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Xerox selling defective Print Production Versant?

Neala Communications LLC (commercial printshop in Plymouth, Michigan) filed a lawsuit in U.S. Federal Court in New York against Xerox Corp.

  • Claims that Xerox is knowingly selling “certain Versant digital presses that use defective toner and contain defective component parts”
  • “The presses, by virtue of their defects, are susceptible to inconsistencies in the toner products. Those inconsistencies, which has been observed in a substantial percentage of the relevant toner products, trigger the defects in the presses and cause damage to various components thereof, including drums, rollers and developer housings”
  • Models apparently include Versant 80, 180, 2100 and 3100 production color laser systems (I've been hearing about these problems for months and even tried to persuade some people to not t9o get the Versant.  I sure by the argument is heard or settled the issue will be corrected)

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