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And the ice goes on.....Here I am on Saturday January 31st, and we are still without power. Ice and Sleet came through the Kentucky area late Monday through Tuesday, followed by snow. I spent Tuesday night listening to hundreds of trees and thousands of limbs breaking beneath the weight of the ice. I do not care to hear that sound again. Each time a limb broke, I waited to hear if it was coming down on my house.
I am luckier than most, I do have a gas fireplace for heat, but no power. To date I think over a thousand generators have been sold, and folks are still looking for more. Western Kentucky keeps running out of propane, kerosene, no batteries can be found, BUT, power is slowing coming back online.
Fights have broken out at the local gas stations because people are impatient, or they are afraid the station will run out of gas before they get to the pump. The police have begun posting themselves at the station to direct traffic.
My house survived the onslaught of downed trees, but my neighbors limbs (they have or had 60ft oaks)have ripped the power meter from my house. I am waiting on an electrician to come out and put the meter back on the house, so the power company can re-connect me. Looks like I will have to find somewhere to go tomorrow to watch the Super Bowl.
Some areas to the east are not expected to regain power for 30-45 days. On Thursday, Kentucky's Governor declared that we were in a State of Emergency & a Disaster Zone. I personally am dreading to see what my natural gas bill in February will be. I may have to take out a loan to pay the bill.
Keep us in your prayers....It will be a long recovery for this area.
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I went to Tractor Supply this morning when I heard they had batteries, waited in line for an hour only to find out they were open if you were buying a generator. However, I thought of a place off the beaten path "Office Depot" that had more than I needed! Thanks for the thought though. You guys are great friends to have!
All kidding aside, we sure wish there was a way we could help you all. Funny though that with all the locations with no electricity, no heat (and for those never having lived through it - it's a bear), and all the other issues going on, at least there's places to go where you can stay in touch. Good wishes going out to you and so many others!
Out of 22,500 customers for our local power company, there are 4,800 left to hook up, and unfortunately, I am one of those 4,800. The biggest reason we aren't hooked up yet, is the alleys in the neighborhood are littered with trees and limbs. The tree crews have to get in and clear the trees before the power company can come in.
We have neighbors with gas stoves, so we have a means to cook food, and I have a gas fireplace, which is what has been heating the house.
About 2,000 generators have been sold here as well as thousands of kerosene heaters. Each store that had these sold out within hours.
From a sales standpoint, I am wandering how many customers have equipment that has been damaged from this storm. Our service department will be swamped when power comes back up for all the customers.
Thanks again for the prayers and support. It means more than you will know.
I have spoken with older folks around here and to there knowledge, it has been over 100 years that this area had an ice storm to this extent.
If FEMA is here, they must be invisible, or they are keeping warm in the National Guard buildings.
Here in Day 9, we are still waiting to get hooked up on power. I think I am the only employee here at ABC that hasn't been hooked up yet.
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. When I get hooked up, I might celebrate by dancing naked in the street.
Then I guess I better call you first, so you can make sure my big you know what shows up clearly.
Here on day 10, the possibility is that we may in fact get power back. When I left the house, the power crews were actually touching MY power lines. I left a light on in the bathroom, so the wife could call and tell me if it comes on.
When a house sits without heat for 10 days or more, the floors are so cold, 4 pairs of socks do not help.

Did you get any additional business out of the storm? Hope you are back on track with power for the weekend!

We had a horrific noreaster back here in 91 (so long ago), 85 plus winds, and rain, 25 foot waves, trees down and flooded the area for three days, fires, no power for only four days. I was crazed after 3 days with no power. Let me know if I can help.

Thanks for your kind offer Art, but I got power back about 12pm on Thursday. What a relief
We were out a total of 10 days. The hardest part was as soon as it got dark, you had limited light, and going to bed at 7pm got to be a bore, especially with a 2 year old and a 7 year old in the house. We're still without cable, but the kids are catching up on the DVD movies they have.
We did lose all the food in both freezers, but insurance said to make a list of what we lost and they will reimburse up to $500 for the food. I am now waiting on the insurance adjuster to come out and survey my damaged house. Hopefully it won't be long but I guess a week.
As for business, I am starting to see cases of electrical surge damage to some of our copiers. 90% of our customers have surge protection, but those that don't are starting to pop up.
Thanks again for all your support, thoughts, and prayers. They are much appreciated, and until you go through a devastating storm of any kind, you learn to lean on others. Thanks again!! Smile

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