We have talked about this before, this is an example of a chargeable call, if your customer updates to SP2 after you have SR set up and running and then they have problems with SR.
The following are from Ricoh FAQs: "..Windows XP SP2 closes many ports, including TCP/IP ports. Because of this, network functions related to our products may not work properly...."
and "...The following protocols, services and port numbers are used bewtween ScanRouter Server and I/O devices:
FTP port 3670
FTP port 1024-65535 randoom
HTTP port 80
SNMP port 161
When browsing the I/O device from ScanRouter Delivery Server, HTTP and SNMP are used."
So you could be a nice guy and just explain what needs to be done to the office manager/IT person and let them deal with it. If they are computer literate at all they may be able to "open certain ports" or they can hire a professional to do that and any resulting problems for them.
Or initiate on a service call to help them deal with it on an hourly bases.
You dont want to get stuck making the changes yourself. Opening the wrong ports will be a security problem. Your changing the system could bring other programs to their knees.
Beware of doing the customer a "favor"
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