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Here we go:

P4P Hotel is giving away a $1,000 American Express gift certificate for the Best "Sell the Solution" Sale!!!!


Submit your solution before April 30th, 2007, winner be declared in April 2007.

Solution Sale must have been invoiced before 4/30/2007 and not before 1/2/2007.

Solution needs to have Ricoh Hardware and a third party software solution or Ricoh Software Solution.

Solution story needs to contain these key points.

1. How you found the client.

2. How the solution of hardware and software was able to save them money or increase productivity.

3. The total dollar "pull through" and the total document volume "pull through".

4. How or what they were doing before you arrived on the scene, meaning what type of hardware and software was in place.

5. How they benefited from your solution, savings, productivity, etc......, if you have pictures include them in your story. Your solution story needs to contain at lease 500 words (we will do a press release with the solution)!

6. Refer the Print 4 Pay Hotel to four (4) of your peers and have them register for the site! Also include the four names at the bottom of your solution (so we can verify that they have registered). We now have message boards for Canon, KonicaMinolta and Kyocera along with the Ricoh Family Group Board.

7. Sumbit your story to or through the RFG Message board in the "Success Stories" Forum, along with a digital picture of yourself, we will also need a copy of the invoice for verification of the solution sale. Invoice must contain the account name, contact and phone number along with the hardware, software and amount billed!

The winner will be recognized on our main site, the and Press Releases will go to all of the major magazines in our industry!

Winner will be judged on creativity, total document pull through, total sales dollars, and how the solution enabled the customer to be more productive in their daily document workflow.

Judging will be done by three of our authorized vendors.
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