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Will Feds ban Lexmark products in USA?

  • Lexmark (which has 63.04% of its shares owned by Ninestar of China) published official statement about federal ban on some Ninestar products
  • “As a global manufacturer that utilizes a multi-source strategy and regional manufacturing facilities, only a small portion of Lexmark manufacturing comes from Ninestar and its affected subsidiaries. We do not anticipate significant business disruption from this order”
  • According to, Lexmark sources products (MFPs, printers & supplies) made in following countries:
    • China = 545 products (how many of these are made by forced labor and affected by US DHS ban?)
    • Japan = 23 products
    • Mexico = 141 products
    • Philippines = 16 products
    • Poland = 3 products
    • Taiwan = 6 products
    • Thailand = 7 products
    • USA = 34 products
  • VOA News is reporting that artificial intelligence tools are now being used to identify products made with forced labor by the Uyghur population in northern China
  • Reuters News Service reports that the Chinese government (aka CCP) “strongly opposes action taken last week by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to ban Ninestar imports of products into
    the U.S.”
  • Datamyne reported that recently a container of laser print devices from Ninestar of China arrived in the Port of Los Angeles, CA bound for Sharp Electronics.

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