There are 2 configurations of the 090R MicroPress Connectivity:
090R PrintLink Kit (contains 256MB Memory DIMM, Type 2105 NIB, Secure SD
Card with T/R Application for the 90/105 system and a T/R Connectivity
License code)
090R Software Only (is designed for customers that already have the Type
2105 Printer/Scanner Kit installed already- which means that they would
already have the NIB and the 256MB Memory- Software Only includes Secure SD
card with T/R Application for the 90/105 system and a T/R Connectivity
License code) This configuration allows the customer to use either the
PrintLink or the Type 2105 Printer/Scanner.
The MicroPress Server comes with one T/R NIC for at least one print engine
connection, otherwise more NICs/Switches need to be added with each
additional print engine added beyond the first one.
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