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A photocopier contract with The Wilson Group LLC was approved 6-2 by the West  Mifflin Area School Board at a special meeting this week.

Board members Ron Rubinsak and Phil Shar voted against the contract Monday  night.

The five-year contract will be financed with U.S. Bank Equipment Finance  Company, and the cost is $14,285 per month for 26 copiers in the district. Board  President Judy Andzelik said the contract includes language stating that The  Wilson Group will provide a $2,000 scholarship to a West Mifflin student every  year of the contract. Ms. Andzelik said the Sharp copiers were installed July  1.

“We’re getting quality service with The Wilson Group,” Ms. Andzelik said.

District Business Manager Dennis Cmar said the contract includes a $242,000  buyout of the district’s current contract with Ford Business Machines.

Mr. Shar was also concerned about choosing another company and wanted to  protect the district if the company ever went out of business for any reason.  Before the board voted to approve the contract, Mr. Shar made a motion stating  that if any photocopying company would breach a contract for any reason, the  school district would not have to continue to make payments to a third-party  bank.

That motion was defeated 2-6 with Mr. Shar and Mr. Rubinsak voting in  favor.

District solicitor George Gobel said that in most instances when a contract  is signed, the vendor is paid and payments are made to a third-party bank.

“You still have to make payments. You can sue them, but you still have to  pay,” he said, likening it to financing a car and still having to pay on it even  if something is wrong with it.

Prior to the vote, Mr. Shar pointed out that another bid for the contract was  received and was lower. WPS, formerly Van Dyke Business Systems, presented bids  at a meeting earlier this year and those ranged from $11,766 for slower machines  to $12,124 per month for machines comparable to the ones offered by The Wilson  Group, Mr. Shar said.

“Let’s understand what a copier is … they’re all pretty good. I think  our teachers can wait 20 more seconds to save $150,000,” Mr. Shar said.

“Sometimes the lowest responsible bidder is not the lowest responsible  bidder,” said board member Erin O’Leary White.

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