Need an assist coming up with a solution for a weekly publication with the following spex: 10 to 12 letter sheets saddlestitched to create a booklet of 40 to 48 pages. They produce 300 to 400 per week. Currently the job is Black and White on White 20lb bond, with a neon colored cover stock, same 20lb bond. I think the entry level segment 4 saddlestitch finishers will not be able to handle this week in and week out. (PLEASE give feedback with this one).
So, first I'm wondering if there is some merit to this. If they can handle this job, then great. Otherwise, does anyone know of a solid, yet reasonably priced off line saddle stitch folder that can accomplish this job. At best the application will grow to 450 per week and maybe 13 or 14 sheets. I would also have to address sorting the 10 to 12 sheets as well. Any ideas?
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