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Seems there is a new tyrant in the world that wants to ruin the United States. The President of Venezuala, who owns CITGO here in the US wants to bring down the "US Empire" with the help of Cindy Sheehan. Read the attached link on this article. The unknowing American citizen who purchases CITGO gas is helping this tyrant finance his war on the U.S.Sheehan & Chavez
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Originally posted by Jim Parker:
7-eleven has recently announced that it's 2,100 are discontinuing their relationship with CITGO largely because of Chavez's "El Diablo" comment. Take that Chavez. I hope the fall-out goes much much deaper.

But they've been planning that for a long time, so it has nothing to do with a comment made last month. They are just "riding the coat tails" of that comment hoping to stir some more business from patriotic Americans by cloaking an economic decision in nationionalist zeal.
JasonR said "But they've been planning that for more than a year, so it has nothing to do with a comment made last month, They are just "riding the coattails" of that comment hoping to stir some more business from patriotic Americans by cloaking an economic decision in nationionalist zeal."

Just my two cents worth but I don't a problem with that.

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