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quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
So the Government is going to spend $30K+ per volt to help prop up government motors who loses $49K on each volt sold.
quote:Originally posted by JasonR:
The Government is buying US-made cars, that don't use (as much) foreign produced oil, cutting government expenditures and you are upset about it?
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
I believe what you describe as Conservative, Wikipedia describes as:
Fiscal conservatism
What I describe as conservative is someone from the political center. Some of the opinions voiced on this forum are obviously far to the right of center.
quote:Obama didn't save Detroit, he saved the unions.
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
A quick check of Wikipedia once again reveals that it was President Bush who signed into law
the Clean Energy Act of 2007 that launched the USA into an accelerated Ethanol production program.
Obviously, some people on this board believe in "Drill, Baby Drill!" despite the harsh lessons of the Gulf Oil disaster.
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
Does not the Congress try and shoot down 95%+ of what the President proposes? and then does not the Congress pass motions that they know are crafted in a way that the Senate can only reject?
quote:Originally posted by GMAN:
This country is headed down the path of Ricoh and SHARP, due to lack of Leadership, just like those companies.
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory:
Jason, Let's not quote nameless radicals and then place their words in our mouths as if all conservatives share those views. There are full-fledged communists supporting the Democratic party that you wouldn't want equated to you.
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
I have an active copier service technician in my territory who was just diagnosed with Terminal Cancer. He has very modest financial resources. In Canada, he is able to access almost free medical care and immediately apply for long term disability.
Not really knowing the details of "Obamacare", what would happen to this tech in the USA?
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
I have an active copier service technician in my territory who was just diagnosed with Terminal Cancer. He has very modest financial resources. In Canada, he is able to access almost free medical care and immediately apply for long term disability.
Not really knowing the details of "Obamacare", what would happen to this tech in the USA?
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory:
Long Term Disability would come from Social Security, at least until its insolvency.
Prior to ObamaCare he would be given care based on the Terms and Conditions of his policy but he could not be denied coverage and Hospitals would have worked out a payment plan, probably significantly reducing the charge in the process. Under ObamaCare, someone in Health and Human Services will decide what if any treatment he would receive.
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory: Under ObamaCare, someone in Health and Human Services will decide what if any treatment he would receive.
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory:
Long Term Disability would come from Social Security, at least until its insolvency.
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory:
he could not be denied coverage
quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
Those numbers represent real people. Simply put the U.S. has a better record of health care out comes when compared to the rest of the world.
quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
That is 2,180 mothers, fathers, and grand parents.
quote:Originally posted by JasonR:quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
That is 2,180 mothers, fathers, and grand parents.
Doing math here, correct me if I've added incorrectly.
Infant mortality: US is at 7 per 1,000, best in the world is around 3, which means in the US 4 more babies die than where it could be.
Annual births in US 4.1 million so there are ~16,000+ babies that died here vs. the countries with the lowest infant mortality.
I think calling it a "wash" is more than fair.
quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
We will have to agree to disagree. I happen to think...
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory:
JasonR, you say Obamacare will be less expensive. I disagree. It certainly won't be less expensive for all the people whose employer drops their employer paid insurance because now the government will provide it.
When has the government lowered the cost of anything?
I understand that there is a catastrophic component that exits with health insurance that doesn't exist with auto , home, life insurance but if competitive factors are allowed to come into play with health insurance, I feel prices will come down and quality will improve. It works only every time it is tried. ObamaCare is socialized medicine which is the complete opposite of capitalism and competition. When has Socialism ever produced more or better anything?
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
A Premier of a Canadian Province (like a US Governor)recently visited the USA for Health care (Heart issues) because he could easily afford it and the wait times were much shorter. There are more than a few Canadians who do go to the USA for Healthcare.
I recently had to wait three months for an MRI. It cost me $10.00 .
... and yes Healthcare does take up an alarmingly big and growing part of the Canadian budget.
quote:Originally posted by JasonR:quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
We were promised it would lower premiums for everyone. Guess what? It did not. My premiums are still increasing as fast as the national average.
Well, I would make sure never to vote for whoever lied to you in that way ever again!
Our economy is teetering on the edge. They just started pumping the money supply again. An Obama win and the economy will plunge into a full blown depression.
quote:Originally posted by Old Glory:
I read today that the average penalty will get all the way up to $1,200 by 2016. Who is going to pay a guaranteed premium that is higher vs a possible penalty that is only $1,200. Ultimately, I wouldn't be surprised if the government doesn't step in and even pay the penalty for those who can't.
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
Romney is on the front page once again with disclosure that he paid effectively 14% personal tax rate in 2011.
But contrary to popular perception, Romney's effective federal income tax rate is still higher than that of most Americans -- 80% of whom have an effective rate below 15%. That number, however, does not include other federal taxes such as the payroll tax.
The reason Romney's rate is so low -- despite having one of the highest incomes in the country -- is because his income was derived almost entirely from capital gains and dividends from his extensive portfolio of investments. And that form of investment income is typically taxed at just 15%, well below the 35% top tax rate for high earners.
The average tax rate for Canadians is over 20%. Mine was 23% last year and I had a lot deductions.
I think the USA should have a minimum tax rate on all citizens of at least 17-18% no matter how many deductions or entitlements you have.
quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
Let not this shake your faith in the Democratic party, but Mitt just released his tax returns
quote:Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
The technician, I described earlier with terminal cancer passed away today at 52. He lasted six weeks from his initial prognosis. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise for his wife and son.
$2M in six months is a mind boggling number.
Originally posted by SalesServiceGuy:
The technician, I described earlier with terminal cancer passed away today at 52. He lasted six weeks from his initial prognosis. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise for his wife and son.
$2M in six months is a mind boggling number.
quote:Originally posted by Jrlz:
Jason R, the Democtractic talking points, lead by Harry Reid were that Mitt paid no taxes for 10 years. He proved them wrong.
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