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The past decade has seen significant technological shifts and evolving market demands that have driven the manufacturing sector toward digital solutions. You’ve likely heard the term ‘digital transformation’ by now, as it represents the industry-wide shift from outdated, siloed tools to streamlined, all-in-one solutions. This article will explore what digital transformation means in the context of the manufacturing industry, ongoing trends that support the need for a full digital shift, and how to overcome perceived barriers to digital transformation with the right tools.

What does digital transformation mean for the manufacturing industry?

Digital transformation in manufacturing involves integrating digital technology across all business areas, fundamentally altering how operations are conducted, and value is delivered. This shift includes adopting digital tools and processes across production lines, shop floors, supply chain management, and customer interactions. The ultimate goal is to boost efficiency, increase flexibility, and provide deeper operational insights, enabling manufacturers to make informed decisions and innovate more effectively. ....more here

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