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Toshiba turmoil update

announced it is currently assessing the buyout proposal from JIP

  • reported that its 3rd quarter operating profit was down 88% YoY to 5.4 billion yen ($40.71 million)
    • net sales were down 4.17% to 775 billion yen ($5.84 billion)
    • Retail and Printing Solutions division sales up 11.94% to 130.6 billion yen ($984.47 million)
    • Operating income down 68.03% to 3.9 billion yen ($29.4 million)
  • Announced the resignation of Chief Operating Officer Goro Yanase due to inappropriate use of entertainment expenses
  • “Yanase’s case made it clear that Toshiba’s troubled compliance attitude has not changed at all”; stated Hideki Yasuda, analyst at Toyo Securities
  • The poor results of the 3rd quarter “would make it hard for a bidder to offer a high price for a buyout”; stated Yoshiharu Izumi, senior equity analyst at SBI Securities.

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