Toshiba TEC earnings estimates
(TEC is the division of Toshiba for MFPs, printers, displays, cash registers, etc.)
- Net sales down 19.5% to 107 billion yen for second quarter
- Operating profit down 50% to 3 billion yen
- Profit margin down to 2.8%
- Profit attributable to owners of parent a loss of 2.6 billion yen
- Printing Solutions division (MFPs, printers, etc.) had 22.1% drop in net sales to 37.6 billion yen
o Operating loss of 1.5 billion
o Segment margin of -3.9%
- Announced will reduce workforce by 700 employees to save 4 billion yen in second half of the fiscal year
- Announced that for its Printing Solutions division, it will “consider all strategic
options, including alliances with external companies”
- Will announced a “specific direction” for its overseas business by 4/2021