Some of you who follow me on Twitter have likely heard more than you care already.

The first thing to hit me was just how huge it was. Xerox alone took 28,000 square feet of convention space. Can you say cha-ching? Everything from their big iron to applications.
Kodak took the biggest risk of the show; they had no machines at all. Instead they featured many applications; as a matter of fact the first thing I heard walking into the show was a young lady from Kodak saying, "so instead of thinking of what is my cost per page, let's turn that to what is my profit per page." They also introduced via an interactive display their new Kodak Prosper production print inkjet unit.
Oce' introduced their 6300 series of black and white unit that gives you 300 images per minute!!!
Canon featured their new Advanced Color Units and attracted a pretty good crowd.
Ricoh wasn't very easily found, but they were showcasing the new black and white production units as well as the C900.
Konica Minolta brought out all of the big guns. They had all of their production units: The PRO 950, 1051, 1200 and 2500P. Color was a splash with the C6501 and the newer C65hc; which by the way was certified by pantone at the show. One of the treats at the show was behind closed doors. The prototype for a brand new series of color systems was being shown by invitation only. Currently called the C8000, we got to see a totally new product with so many new patents and bells and whistle you lose count.
One thing I did hear from many, if not most of the vendors was that the turnout this year was weak. Especially the weekend. Economy or the first weekend of college football is anyones guess.
Well, that's it. Nothing shocking but at least a taste of what was there.