We would pay $2,954 for a system that has 7,000LF on it and is 3 years old. Machine is in excellent condition (1 user only). I asked my people (ughh) to look at it and tell me if it can go out the door right away. Standard MU is 20% plus delivery, plus anything else it needs. I figured it needed a cleaning and nothing else. So, I thought the cost would be about $3,600 (keep in mind that the machine came back with a toner cartridge in it and paper).
My company emailed me today that the base price is $4,500.
So, with a machine that has under 10,000 LF and was fine at the customers office, how the heck does the machine need $900 in parts. I called one admin, she said I have to talk to a boss (there are three), I said ok, I'll hold and hold, got back on the phone and we'll you'll have to call the other boss. I did, and he said he knew nothing about the pricing and or coould not remember, I then called the third boss and he said he would look into it and never called me back!
What I'm more upset about is the stupid run around after working there for 11 years you would think this stupisd kid stuff would end. On previous deals like this I have asked for a list of parts that have to go into the machine, and 90% of the time I have been denied. So, what am I too think, are they putting anything in the machine, am I asking to much?
Point is, I'm trying to make money for myself, money for my company and help a customer so that the old machine does not have to be returned and he does not get stuck with late charges ($1,000 thats part of the cost of the machine from the leasing company).
I'm not dullest or sharpest knife in the draw, however be a grown up, be a leader, answer question quickly. Don't pawn it off on the next guy cause everyone does not have the same story.
And by the by, no one mentioned the %500 return fee until I brought it up. GEEZ!!!!!!