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Ricoh USA are doing a "box" launch of the SeriPrinter Model 25 in October.
I believe they will be only installing UC6 Golds onto their Duplicators with the the system. Makes sense, as the UC6 Gold was after all designed to have features like changing the line frequency and the print angles of colour seperations which is not possible with the RCP80. It also has a hard drive and is therefore not limited by memory for large PS files generated by CMYK and spot colour seperations - these are pre-requisite features for printing!
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It's certainly been a while since we last talked. I trust you're well. Q: Have you done anything to improve the performance (RIP speed, etc.) of the UC6 Gold? I must say, I've become quite an advocate of the RCP80, it's much faster than anything else I've seen. Besides, you're still able to change the line freq./angle when using PageMaker. Comments?
Also, there will be a slight registration issue when over printing the second run of full color, due to master stretching, master cut position, etc. It doesn't seem to make any practical difference how the colors are laid down, but considering the registration issue, what combination has been the best during your testing?
Best regards,
Jim Stocker
I will pass your greetings onto Tony, Jim.
To answer your questions
The speed issue - the UC6 Gold and the RCP80 rip small uncomplicated print files are very similar. However, if you take a more comlicated file (not uncommon in the print industry) for example CorelDraw sample file "Huntress.cdr", the UC6 Gold outputs in under half the time. This is as a result of the far higher speed processor in the UC6 Gold.
The line frequency - I have had reports that despite setting the line frequency and angles in the application (Pagemaker) and ripping to the RCP80, the result when viewed under a loop are incorrect.
Second pass registration - Like any mulit-pass printing machine registration is not perfect however this is not difficult to overcome (trapping, overprinting) and as I understand firmware updates are underway which will improve the TCII second pass registration.
Sequence of CMYK print - transfer of print from the first drum to the second should be taken into consideration. Therefore always have the lighter color in drum 1. ie Pass 1 M2 C1, Pass 2 K2 Y1.
Originally posted by Goodyer - SeriPrint:
Ricoh USA are doing a "box" launch of the SeriPrinter Model 25 in October.
I believe they will be only installing UC6 Golds onto their Duplicators with the the system. Makes sense, as the UC6 Gold was after all designed to have features like changing the line frequency and the print angles of colour seperations which is not possible with the RCP80. It also has a hard drive and is therefore not limited by memory for large PS files generated by CMYK and spot colour seperations - these are pre-requisite features for printing!


What will be the SRP in the US for the Seri Printer, will there be any attachments or options needed.

I have a client who wants to pre-order one this week or next.

Can you help with any additional information?
SeriPrinter 25 MSRP as follows:
SeriPrint Model 25 $7995
Seri 80L Drum $1460
Seri 50L Drum $1460
SCP 10 Black Ink $883
Pricing on colors varies from $871 (clear varnish) to $1261 (Custom Color), mostly they average ~$1100.
I have no idea on how they are packed. The one I have at the moment is a pre-production unit that has open ink wells in the color units, instead of cartridges.
The unit is designed to be a permanent fixture to the CopyPrinter, as they hook together and the exit tray of the CopyPrinter is moved to the exit of the SeriPrint. Operation is easy. System reset time after an interuption is about 2 minutes (initialization and lamp warming time). Output is as expected, although we had to slow it down to 90 for the black. Also we are trying to fix a small smudge mark caused by the pick off pawl in the dup.
More later,
Jim Stocker.
We are about to take on the PriPort. I would like to hear the straight scoop on how installs of the SeriPrinter have gone...
Does it add much to the service requirements?
What kind of service can you expect?
Are customers generally pleased with their decision?
Has anyone placed the SeriPrinter in an environment where full-color was a big application?
Understanding the full-color quality limitations, does it hold up pretty it still doing as well today as it was at install?
Anything else to add?
Originally posted by Jim Parker:
We are about to take on the PriPort. I would like to hear the straight scoop on how installs of the SeriPrinter have gone...
Does it add much to the service requirements? We do not know this yet
What kind of service can you expect?We were told, the UV lamp is expensive.
Are customers generally pleased with their decision?Our one customer is pleased with their decesion
Has anyone placed the SeriPrinter in an environment where full-color was a big application?NO! I would tread lightly with this application and get a four color user to try the system and then give his opinion
Understanding the full-color quality limitations, does it hold up pretty it still doing as well today as it was at install?
Anything else to add?


We do not have any systems placed in a four color environment. I am going to try and penetrate this market this summer. I have some printers that have JP8000's and JP5000's that will be ready to redo their leases and then will present the UCGOLD and the Seri

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