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no I haven't, however I'd like to test just to make sure, I put a call into the product manager but never got a call back and seems my dealership is too cheap to buy an additional tray to test.

I am going to sell a C431DN to print envelopes only, will have four paper trays and I figure I can load about 600 or so envelopes in all of the trays.

I've test a few hundred so far with #10's from the paper tray. So far so good, I will explain to the customer all of the pro's and cons, and most likely the system will need more service. It's either this solution for the customer for about $5K with all of the paper trays for the C431dn or a solution from PB (inkjet and loud) for about $14K.

I'm stretching it but sometimes we need to see what these systems can really perform. I'm thinking it can with all of the right settings.

Thannx for the FYI on this
So, I we installed the SP431DN with four paper trays the other day. I was there on Friday to set up the paper trays, configure the printer setting and test the system.

We did a run of 2,500 envelopes with an MS word merge for addressing. We finished the job in 75 minutes with no wrinkles, we did have several misfeeds, however I'm blaming that on me not knowing how many envelopes to put in each tray.

We not able to fit and entire box pf 500 however we were able to fit about 250-300 at a time. The customer was happy, I'm happy they have another 2,500 run coming on Monday from smartmailer.

We are now going to quote a planet press solution and a large folding machine, plus an inserter/folder ( I don't carry these). All in all I'm please and so is the customer.


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