SHOCKER #1: Government Employees Printing TWICE as Much as Average Joe!
Ever go fishing with a pro? They know exactly where to go and the kind of bait to use depending on the weather. If you want to catch big pages, look here:
- Government: Highest per/user printing. One institution was observed at 53 pages per user per day. That’s twice the average.
- Medical: Just shy of 51 pages per/user/day. That’s a lot of prescriptions!
Surprisingly some of the lowest per-user printing happens in Education, with only 14 pages per user per day. I guess all those tiny smart phones are making a big dent.
SHOCKER #2: Your Bank is Printing 4X More from the WWW than from Excel!
Wow! I didn’t expect this and wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see the data with my own eyes. I am shocked and amazed at the amount of Internet printing in verticals you might not expect. Look who’s printing tons from the Web:
- Financial: Internet printing accounts for over 60% of total volumes, most of it from Internet Explorer! Web printing exceeds Excel printing by 400%!
- Education: Students don’t print very much, but what they do print is mostly from the Internet.
SHOCKER #3: Almost Zero Duplex!
Ever have a customer say “we don’t need duplex rules, we set the defaults on the printers?” The facts tell a different story:
- Education & Finance: Both were nearly “zero” on the duplex counts. Looks like they could use some education on how to save money on paper!
- Medical: Hospitals duplex rates are only .14%. I guess when you’re saving lives, the back side of the page doesn’t count for much. Largest percentage of printing comes from Adobe & Excel BUT mostly monochrome.
So What are the Opportunities?
If you are chasing “net new” business there is nothing like offering them savings to get their attention. You could help save an average account over $30,000/year by doing the following:
Colour Conversion:
- The average customer is printing 25% of their color volumes from e-mail and Internet browsers.
- That is 178,272 pages you could convert to monochrome for a customer savings of over $16,000 per year (assuming colour rate of .009/page)! A great way to close a net-new account.
Duplex Rules:
- The average customer is printing 3,743,714 pages per year, and as we’ve seen above, almost ALL of it in Simplex.
- If paper costs .0075/page, increasing duplex rates to 50% would save a customer over $14,000/year.
- This is from Print Audit - a great product. Save your customers money AND increase your profits!