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I was in to see one of my customers today to help them with a tax issue from GE Capital. We booked the lease w/tax!, then GE sent booked it with out and the tax and has been billing the customer ever since, but wait.... thats not all!

My customer stated that GE now operates a customer service/collection call center from India! It took her several tries to get her point across and had to get switched four times to get someone who understood her properly!

She vowed never to do business with GE again, and that includes all of their products!!

Wow, I wish GE would buy Ikon (nothing against the Ikon guys)! But rumors are strong that GE will buy Ikon within the first to second quarter of 04. Maybe its time to buy some stock in Ikon again!

[This message was edited by Docusultant on Wed January 07 2004 at 01:53 PM.]
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I have had the SAME problem, I have a customer who is so angry about this call center in India. He is a big time All American guy with Flags and Proud to be an American all over his wall.

You should have heard him when he got a collection call from someone in INDIA, when he had not even recieved his first bill yet.

GE Confirmed that this is indeed the case.


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