Hey Gang,
Trying to get a feel for what dealers expect/prefer in terms of their service relationship with their MFP manufacturers, particularly when taking-on a new product line.
1) How do channel partners feel about traveling to the vendor for training? Who pays for the costs (Plane, lodging, food?)?
2) Do you do some level of training within your own organization? For example, would you send a couple of techs to the manufacturer for F2F training and then have others do the virtual training and get some training from the “experts” that DID attend the f2f?
3) Do you keep a few units at your own company site for training? Would you expect only technicians that attended a F2F training to be able to be service qualified or would you want qualification for technicians that did not attend F2F?
4) How often does F2F training occur? Once per year? Or multiple times per year when new products release?