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When the jobs arrive in the "q" in plotbase all of the owners of the docs are listed as quests?

What is the reason for this and how can it be corrected?

Also is there any way to exported the plt files that are stored in plotbase, the customer would like to have an archieve copy of these files, if not is there a workaround that you can suggest?
Original Post
Owners of jobs are listed as guests becuase that is how the network administrator set them up in user groups. Can be changed by administrator by "start-settings-control panel - users and passwords.

When sending jobs to plotbase, there is no way to save them from the print Q. That would be like trying to catch a job as it spools to the Ricoh CL 3000 and save it. They can save the job as a PLT or a DWG directly from the native application, or they can save job sets at their local workstation by using plotclient win.

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