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SecuLetter signs partnership with Thailand's MSSP 'BlueZebra'

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 13, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- SecuLetter, a member company of the Born2Global Centre, recently has signed a partnership agreement with BlueZebra, a Thai information security company, on the supply of SecuLetter's products. SecuLetter has been an active member company of the Born2Global Centre.

BlueZebra is a mid-sized Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) headquartered in Bangkok, Thailand. It provides integrated security services from the development of IT infrastructure to security management and incident response.

Through this partnership agreement, BlueZebra will supply SecuLetter's email security solution "MARS SLE" and file security solution "MARS SLF" to the Thai market.

BlueZebra CEO, Jutipat Boonsoong said, "Recently, a large hospital in Thailand was infected with ransomware and was asked to send 200,000 Bitcoins (USD 2,000 million). As damage caused by ransomware occurs frequently in Thailand, how to prevent it is an important issue."

In fact, according to BlueZebra, most of the ransomware attacks occurring in Thailand are investigated to occur when downloading e-mail attachments including malicious codes.

Recently, as well as ransomware, various unknown malicious code attacks such as Zeroday and APT are increasing, and as most of these attacks are introduced through email, the demand for email security is rapidly increasing.

Jutipat Boonsoong, CEO of BlueZebra, said, "We found SecuLetter provide a unified platform to protect both known attacks (signature-based) and unknown attacks. In particular, its diagnosis rate and the diagnosis speed was superior to other solutions." He added, "We expect many customers in Thailand to consider implementing this solution."

SecuLetter solution is being reviewed by the Thai Air Force and the National Tax Service who want to bolster their web security (HTTP), email section and file transfer security.

Lim Chasung, CEO of SecuLetter, said, "SecuLetter is making various efforts to advance into overseas markets this year. We started running Incheon Startup Park's "Incheon Email Security Demonstration Commercialization Project" which is supported by the Incheon Free Economic Zone Authority and Incheon Techno Park (ITP) and also running the "SecuLetter Global Email Security Center (SGES Center)" this year. And also participating in overseas projects of government agencies such as KISA and KOTRA. I believe this partnership with BlueZebra and the partnership with South Africa's Africa ("AFRICO") in August are the effective results of these efforts."

In addition to overseas partnerships, SecuLetter has partnered with a cyber-security company in the United States this year, promoting product globalization and proposing solutions to insurance companies that handle a large amount of digital documents, potential customers in the United States. In November of this year, it is also planning to introduce products and demos to the US local government.

For more detailed information on SecuLeter, visit

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