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Set up a 1060 today and I am having problems with the scan to e-mail. I have set up all the network settings properly however I get the error SENDING DATA TO SMTP FAILED. I am thinking that this is a network problem on their end since I set up the same type of setup in someone elses office about a week ago and it worked just fine. They are using internet mail and I have the DNS to the server and the Gateway to the router set up right. Tested this type of setup in my office as well and it works fine. Any suggestions?
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Firts of all what type of email server are we talking about? I don't think the 1060 has the ability to authenticate (sort of like having a user name and a password on the email server). There are workarounds though. There is a setting within MS Exchange that allows you to set it where the IP Address of the 1060 is recognized and allowed to pass (see attached). We have had other situations where we had to use a freeware program called ArgoSoft to relay the emails to the mail server.
If you need to explore the ArgoSoft option let me know...a couple of my guys have played with it quite a bit.

Take a look at this page:

and there is more information here:

Next: We have used this, but with the understanding that the customer supports it, not us. we get it up and running and then it's's only a workaround. It actually works pretty well and we've played around with it from a hacking standpoint and it seemed pretty solid.

Where there is a will, there's a way!

I have a deal going on using 3900nf's as digital senders. This guy's clients all deal with the same people for their networking and software (ASP) and they won't let us connect our devices to their mail servers (especially since our guy is selling storage in competition with the ASP). We had the storage guy create a mail adress on his mail server for the customer and we connected to it with the 3900nf.
This is the same deal I posted about a few months ago...3900's as digital senders. I think that post has already been moved over here.


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