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From: Lee (Original Message) Sent: 9/5/2002 10:29 PM
I did an install today of ScanRouter Lite in an XP environment. After multiple tries to set it to Save as a windows file and route the scans to a network drive, I read the readme file. According to that, XP will not allow you to set it up that way. You can only save the scans on the local drive(s) of the computer. To route scans to a folder on the network, you must install ScanRouter Link.

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From: Ted Sent: 9/6/2002 7:27 AM
On Wind95, 98, & Me, I have been able to route scans to a folder on the network without using SR Link. I do it through the SR Admin. program. The only time I install SR Link is if they need scans to go to an individual's PC. I have set up three different Scanners at three locations this week. I have not tried XP yet however. Two of them were Win2000. I did not run into any problems. I do have a question though. Every time the PC that has the SR Admin. program is restarted, the Scan system "Suspends Operations". Is there a way to make the program default to run the operations without having to go into SR Admin. everytime you reboot and turn it on? What am I missing here?
From: Graham Sent: 9/6/2002 8:50 AM
Ok...Here goes....

First, on Ted's issue, DURING the initial install of Scan Router Admin, you have to choose RUN AS SERVICE and it will start up and run in the background all the time when the computer is re-booted. I have done this on 98/ME machines, NT 4.0 Server and Workstation, Win2K server and Pro, and WinXP. If you don't run it as a service, you will from time to time have it arbitrarily (sp?) suspend services which is a real pain.

On Lee's issue, any time that I have customers that want Scans routed directly to the pc, I have to install the link program and I just put it in their startup menu since not everyone is bright enough to remember that they need to run the link program every time. The pain about this is that when you have a system running NT, 2k and XP that is used by multiple users, each user has to set up the link when they log in the first time and choose where they want their scans to go. Makes training take a little longer.

On another note, for security etc, I have never set up scan router to go to shared folders on networks, always to individual users and PC's. This is mainly because of the environments that I have installed in have needed security and privacy for scans.

Whew... Graham
From: Ted Sent: 9/6/2002 9:10 AM
Is there a way to change to "Run as Service" after you have the SR Admin. Program loaded? Also, SR Link in the Start up is a MUST. 99% of my problems with people not getting scans were because they forgot to turn SR Link on. Now there is no problem.
Also, you sure have a lot of Security and Privacy in Idaho. No wonder the wacked out Militia Groups are in that part of the country. They have a reason!
From: Graham Sent: 9/6/2002 9:25 AM
I haven't been able to find it as an option after the fact, the only two things that I can think of are...
Try putting the "Delivery Server" option in the startup menu (It is in the Programs/Scan Router menu from START...

OR... Backup all of the settings and accounts, uninstall Scan Router Admin then Reinstall and restore your backup.

Choosing Run as Service also allows NT and 2000 Server and XP Pro to route scans when you are physically logged off of that computer. You don't have to log on then lock the workstation. If you are using a server and place Delivery Server in the startup menu you won't have this option.

From: Lee Sent: 9/8/2002 10:34 PM
If you select Run as Service, (Option 3) you cannot route scans to a network drive when setting it to Save as a windows file. When you try to browse to the folder, you will only see the local drives on the machine, not the network (mapped) drives. Run as a service would be the preferred way to run it, as the workstation does not have to be actually logged on for ScanRouter to work.
If you select the top option, which I believe is called As a Program, the ScanRouter services will always come up in a suspended state.You will have to go in and select Resume.
If you select the middle option, which I believe is called Run at Startup, the ScanRouter services will start as they should. The workstation does have to be logged in, but with NT, 2000 and XP, you can three finger salute it, and select Lock Workstation.
If you are installing it on Windows XP, no matter what option you select, you cannot follow a mapped drive to a user's folder when selecting Save as a windows file.
If you want to change your ScanRouter startup, first go in and save your user settings to a file (under Maintenance). Remove ScanRouter, then delete the RD Cab folder that ScanRouter created when it was set up the fist time. Reinstall the software, select your option, then restore your user settings that were saved in the earlier step.

As far as installing the link software on the individual PC's versus routing out to a network folder and then retrieving it, that is the decision of the network admin. Does he want to go and visit each PC, install the software, explain how to use it, remember to put it in the startup folder, etc? Does he want to put a Scans folder on the public drive, then create a folder inside that for each of the scanrouter users? It has to be a balance between ease of use and maintenance versus security of the system. As far as security goes, if you are not assigning passwords when you create the scanrouter user, anyone can browse to and access any of the users inboxes.

From: Ted Sent: 9/9/2002 8:10 AM
I guess I spoke too soon on Friday. One of my SR installs is screwing up. This is the first one to do this. The SR Admin is on a Win2000 NT Server. We set up one Save as Windows File on this server. Then we set up 7 workstations with SR Link. This was all done on Thursday. All of the PC's saw the Delivery Server when we set it up, and they scanned fine on Thursday & Friday. This morning, none of the PC's using SR Link can find the Delivery Server. They Server did not go down, nor was it shut off over the weekend. The PC's just don't see the delivery server today. Any suggestions? We played with the SR Link settings on the PC's and nothing. We even tried to set up some new PC's with SR Link, they didn't see the Delivery Server either. However, the Save as Windows File on the Delivery Server still can receive Scans from the AF1022. Go Figure. Help!
From: Lee Sent: 9/9/2002 5:30 PM
We saw something strange like this last week. Everything was working fine, and had been for months. All scanning stopped and they were unable to browse to the delivery server. The network admin did his troubleshooting, deleted and reinstalled the server software, and even tried another computer. When we visited the customer, we suspended the services and then went under maintenance and selected recover. All of a sudden, everything started working. Whatever was messed up, was actaully in the user settings and was coming back in when he selected restore from backup.

From: Ted Sent: 9/11/2002 8:08 AM
Get this. I think I figured out what happened with my SR Admin. problem. I didn't know that the day after I installed the SR Admin. program and loaded the PC's up that the machine thru a service code. When the guy went out there to fix it he decided to upgrade the Firmware on the machine while he was there. Needless to say, we unloaded the SR Admin. Program and reloaded and...nothing. Once I found out he upgraded the Firmware, we downloaded the SR Lite and SR Admin. upgrades from the website. Guess what. Everything is now working. Guys, make sure that your service guys let YOU know when they upgrade Firmware. Otherwise it could cause big problems.

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