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I was conducting training for my client today on a 240W. My customer asked, if they would be able to scan a document (30 x 42) and the re-scale fit onto a smaller media, such as 11 x17 or 24 x 36.

Can we do this from Plotbase and if so they wanted to know if the reduced size would be "to scale".

Also, is there a way when scanning a document that we can highlight a certain area of the scan and then print only that section?

Hope I made some sense.

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Once you have scanned in the drawing to plotbase, you can edit the settings under "Entry" to scale the job to any size media.

As far as this being "to scale"... well... Sure... kinda. If you scale a 30x42 to 11x17 it won't stretch it disporportionally. I don't know if you took a ruler to it if it would be perfect.

Best bet is to take one of their drawings, scale it tot he size they want and see if they think it is correct.
Jason is correct in how to resize the drawing.
It should also be to scale and I would suggest as he said to let them measure with a ruler and confirm.
As to highlighting a certain area of the document and printing only that portion, that can be done in the scantools by scanning the document as a tiff and opening up the editor.
Once open you can crop and save as the new document which contains only the portion you wish to print. Just go to add an entry in plotbase and find the new tiff file, make sure it is checked and print it out.
Hope that makes sense.
Under Plotbase by defualt the "keep to scale" option is enabled. So, if you scale a D or a 30 x 42 to 11 x 17, you will have extra white space on the page, but the image will be to scale.This is because when you scale the 11" is not the same proportion to the 24" that the 17" is to the 36" edges (assuming D to 11 x 17). You can override by deselecting this option. Image will then be edge to edge on the new paper size, but will not be to scale.

You could also select reduce by 45% as a copier function for D to 11 x 17 - same issue as above - extra white space, but image to scale.

**As long as you reduce ARC to ARC or ANSI to ANSI, no issues. It is when you try to reduce ARC to ANSI or vice versa that you have issues. 11 x 17 and 30 x 42 are NOT ARC or ANSI, so always extra white space.

Highlighting area you want to print and saving as a new doc will work as John outlined.

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