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We have a customer with about 10 new mfp's (mostly 3035's and 3045's), and we are experiencing apparent rpcs point and print problems. Random slow printing, print driver icons missing, problems with locked print, etc.My question is, if you cannot load the printer using point and print what is the preffered method while still mainting some level of centralized control at the server (this place has over 100 users)? Thanks in advance for any replies.
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Whis I could help, the maximum systems I have installed at one locations is 8 with about 50 users, all of the users were instructed to file, print and then properties to select what features they desired.

Can't you set a default print solution in RPCS for the point & Click?

Can anyone else add too this?

Art Post
You cannot load the print driver to client PC's using RPCS Point & Print because the driver also creates a hidden folder on the root drive, _rpcs. This can't be created with point and print. (You'll also have the same problem with roaming profiles).

You need to set up the server then manually load onto each client and point the port to the server driver.

If it's a big problem use the PCL driver.

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