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Ricoh UK has weighed in on the current conversations taking place in government and businesses regarding productivity and innovation, especially regarding AI technology.

  • reported on print
  • Chancellor Jeremy Hunt emphasizes the need for combining the UK's startup culture with the productivity of Germany and the US to enhance overall performance.

  • Hunt notes a 15% productivity gap with Germany, attributing it to Germany's higher investment in plant and machinery per worker.

  • Simon Isaacs, national sales director for Ricoh UK, points out the UK's lag in tech adoption as a key factor contributing to business challenges.

  • ONS findings reveal that 85% of UK businesses were not utilizing AI in December 2023, and 83% had no immediate plans to adopt AI in the near future.

  • Despite hosting the AI Safety Summit in November 2023 to position the UK as an AI innovation leader, the adoption gap raises doubts about the pace of integration.

  • Ricoh Europe research shows a misalignment between employee expectations of workplace technology and the actual technological provisions by employers.

  • In the printing industry, 77% express the desire to automate for efficiency, but 52% still operate on legacy or manual systems, highlighting a significant automation gap.

  • Isaacs emphasizes the importance of listening to employees' calls for innovation to boost productivity, stating that neglecting technology investment risks decreased productivity and growth hindrance.

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