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Ricoh GelSprinter Technology Secures 2010 Canadian Olympics

Three years ago, when the Vancouver Organization Committee (VANOC) considered a secure, sustainable, cost effective method for producing Accreditation Badges for the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Ricoh Canada Inc. was there with the solution.

For the 2010 Winter Olympics, the Vancouver Organization Committee (VANOC) had to issue approximately 90,000 badges to the entire Olympic Family including athletes, sponsors, officials, workers, volunteers and the media. Since these badges ultimately serve as visas into the host country, the accreditation process required extensive security and immigration verification. While tight control was undoubtedly a critical concern, the expense and waste formerly associated with production of secure badges had proven problematic.

Prior to the 2010 Games, the International Olympic Committee had produced plastic badges with embedded security codes, an expensive and slow process, not to mention .....go here for rest of success solution
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