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I guess Ricoh wants to exit the wide format business like Xerox did a few years ago.

One of our P4P Hotel members emailed me while I was away and alerted me to the fact that the LDP price on the W3601 will increase by almost $3,000 and the MSRP will increase by $3,800 or so because some dumb ass at Ricoh US decided that Plot Works software should be included with the main frame purchase. Basically it's a 27% increase on MSRP, and a 40% increase on LDP.

So, what is PlotWorks? It seems PlotWorks is Ricoh's answer to not having the Ratio software anymore, however in the past the cost for the RW controller I think was about $1,200 or so above the cost of the present print controller and then there was the cost for the Interface card. Either way you slice it, it seems we (salespeople) are getting hosed. Most of my low end wide format customers have not needed PlotWorks and yes we found a few work around for batch plotting, and yes there were a few deals that I could not win because I did not have something like the Ration software in the past. But I've won more deals without the Ratio than I've lost and I think that holds true for most of us that have been selling the W3601's. Personally, I see this as more of a MDS approach for larger customers or you might say, accounts that RBS needs traction in for a full end to end solution.

Why not just give us PlotWorks as an option? Let us decide when we need to sell it and when we don't need to sell it. It's obvious to me that in order for Ricoh to obtain the rights to the PlotWorks software that they had to commit to "x" amount of licenses ( could be wrong but I doubt it). Thus the easiest way was to have PlotWorks included with every main frame. I tell you, whoever made this decision for including Plotworks should be tarred and feathered.

I'm out hear fighting to keep my existing base from the likes of LED systems from OCE, KIP, along with the lowered end color inkjet solutions from Canon. Which brings me to this side note, why did Ricoh not make it mandatory on the new CW220SP, it's because the CW2200SP is $5k over priced as it is!! Seems like Ricoh US has settled on letting the CW2200SP be the low end no frills box for low end users. Little does Ricoh US understand is that most users will find the footprint on the CW2200SP to big, paper too costly (for an image that is close to the W3601), too slow, and too expensive when compared to the Canon MFP 40's.

I looked on the Aficio League to find out more about PlotWorks and there is nothing, only the new pricing. Thus I took a trip to PlotWorks, here's the link , it seems there are three different versions of PlotWorks. My question would be is which version of PlotWorks is it, the next would be is there a yearly maintenance and support fee, and then you the **** is going to train me on this?

My opinion is that this increased wholesale cost of $3,000 or more (since my dealership will have to mark it up) will kill most of my potential up grades for older W2400's or W3600's and even a few 240's here and there. I have very few users using the Ratio software any more.

I like the fact that Ricoh finally did something to address the batch plotting, but embedding it in the cost will only push wide format dealers to find other hardware solutions. Maybe Ricoh feels that this will push more users to the CW2200SP, and maybe the thought is that they make more profit on the ink than they do the toner and consumables. Again that's me thinking out loud.

The MSRP for the 3601 will now be almost $26K. This is for any of you Ricoh US marketing folks; Most low end users of W3600/2400's and 240's will not want to migrate down to a 3ppm ink system that's over priced for hardware and ink, in addition to dealing with a system that can't stack copies or prints.

New LED prospects will have sticker shock and will opt for used, refurbished or inkjet MFP's. If they are in informed buyer we will be hard pressed to sell them on the CW2200SP that's priced $5 more than the Canon's.
What I'd like to hear from is OCE and KIP p4p'ers, I believe that the 6ppm systems come with batch plotting, just post here what is the MSRP for a single roll unit with print, scan, and roll feeder for those devices.

Can some other p4p'ers please chime on what the MSRP price is for the OCE and KIP that has a single roll, color scan, network print and batch plot that is equal to the W3601?
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I hope this is not true. Most low end wide format customers, the target for the 3601, do not need Plotworks functinality. This would be a better option for more higher end systems like the 5100/7140. If we increase the cost of the 3601 by that much it is really going to eat into wide format sales. The CW2200 is not the answer either. Many customer need fast, cost effective wide format output. The CW2200 does not offer that.
I was able to reach the product manager today, there are "x" amount of W3601's left that do not have PlotWorks. After these are gone new W3601's will come with PlotWorks.

I was also told there will be yet another pricing change on the system. The price will be lower than what I listed for LDP. However, there will still be a significant cost increase for PlotWorks just not as bad as Ricoh US had originally uploaded on Aficio League.

Confirmed that the PlotWorks version will be PlotWorks Pro. I still state that any additional software for the W3601 should be ala carte since most W3601 users will never the additional features.

more to come..........

Not really, if you would have checked out the LDP and the MSRP that was and maybe still is posted on Aficio League you would have seen what I posted was accurate. I spoke to the product manager just yesterday and he stated he could not tell me what the price increase would be.

Do I over react yup, especially when it comes to me having to feed my family and be competitive. Do I agree with Ricoh US force feeding every W3601 buyer with PLotworks?

Hell no, if it were not for people over reacting when the initial sales cost pricing was posted on Aficio League, then maybe Ricoh would not have made the adjustment or seen the error. If you want I have a copy of the original pricing that was posted.

Appreciate you keeping me up to date on this. I also just checked and Ricoh did update the pricing and it is what fisher stated. $209 on the MSRP is not bad. Now if we could only get the 4PPM system that Ricoh is selling in Europe.

Just want to put in my 2 cents. Obama is not responsible for the decrease in wide format sales.
Thank Bush and company for that. They had their dinner (profits) and left the mess for the next administration to clean up.
Let's leave politics out of the forum and just talk about the subject at hand, Ricoh's stupid idea to force/include Plotworks on the monochrome wide format units. By the way, Plotworks has almost no scanning utilities. It is primarily plotting software.
Originally posted by fisher:
The MSRP for the main body with plotworks went up a wopping $209.

Me thinks someone over reacted.


Just released from Ricoh today, LDP will see an increase of over $1,000 for plotworks whilst the MSRP will increase only $905, now that's a real kick in the ass for wide format dealers and sales people.


Actually it is not even close, KIP is far better.

Fewer service calls and it uses about half as much toner.

I have about 600 KIPs out in the field and 40 Oce’s and I have more service calls and spend more service dollars on the Oce’s than the KIPs.

I recently put in a couple of new Oce’s and I had to replace both as they were down all the time.

One customer told me that if I didn’t hurry the Oce would be out in his dumpster.

10 years ago it was different, but the PW300, PW350 and the TDS750 are poorly designed.

KIP software is far more user friendly AND FREE.

Like I said we demo them side by side and the customer picks the KIP every time.

And as far as Ricoh goes the ONLY time I see someone placing one of those is when a customer wants to use the same company that placed there small format copier.

Maybe they PLP software will help them as they were way behind on the software.

I've done very well in NJ with wide format, and I'm still finding new placements to new customers.  I've never been able to work all three systems side by side. PLP (Plotworks) will help with higher end placements only. The lower end of the market has no need for batch printing. 


I would argue that the Ricoh is extremely reliable due to the fact that we are going 90K square feet with almost no service calls, which is a good thing.  

I agree with the reliability, we actually have better luck with the Ricoh’s than the Oce’s.

It is the software that holds them back in this area, in fact the ACAD driver is so bad we don’t even use it we use an HP driver for all of Ricoh’s.

Drums and developers are a little pricy, but not as bad as Oce.

I get a lot of complaints on the Ricoh toner system as well.

But as always it comes down to money and now when a customer can put a KIP 3000 in for $3K that is pretty hard to beat.

Glad to hear you are placing a lot of them, you must have a great sales team.

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