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Among the daunting spectors for the young grad entering adulthood is the first stroke of a razor's cols steel on his face. Start him off right with the shaving products and services of The Art of Shaving. Combining such tradtional accoutrements as shaving brushes, soaps, stypic pens, aftershaves, multirazors, safety razors and even the dreaded straight razors with such modern ideas as aromotherapy, the stores are located throughout the country. Outfit a grad with a starter kit or sign Dad up for the Royal Shave!
Original Post
I'm amazed how many people are unaware of the existence of Styptic pens.

For anyone who doesn't know what it is, it looks like a piece of chalk, and is used to stop the bleeding for small nicks and cuts.

1000% more effective than tissue paper and works (nearly) instantly.

As another bonus, a pen costs just a couple of bucks and can last for years.

Styptic Pencil at Amazon

Ah, I should mention, it hurts similarly to putting alcohol on the cut, but that fades quickly and it's worth it Smile.

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