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Print Audit Rings in the New Year with its 100th Premier Member

By: Reporting Company
January 8th, 2013
Industry News
Calgary, Alberta – January 7, 2013 – Print Audit is pleased to announce that over 100 office equipment dealers have joined Premier since the program was launched in 2012. Print Audit Premier is an exclusive new subscription plan that gives dealers access to all of Print Audit’s products for one low monthly price.

Print Audit created the subscription program with the brand promise of helping office equipment dealers win new customers, keep current customers and make a lot of money. The company has met and exceeded its expectations for Premier, with the average Premier dealer earning an extra $2.93 per device per month in profits within 90 days of signing up.

New Premier dealer, Complete Business Systems of East Texas, sees Premier as a way to also increase efficiency and responsiveness. “The ability to independently and instantly license and install Print Audit products while the ‘iron is hot’ simply changes the game,” stated Allen Pigeon, Director of Professional Services, Complete Business Systems. “We can now roll out Print Audit products in a timely manner and demonstrate to the customer that we can move quickly and efficiently. Premier allows us to fully control our destiny.”

Another recent Premier subscriber, Crabtree Companies of Minnesota, plans to use Premier to strengthen its customer relationships. “We want to be a better partner to our clientele so that we can be thought of as a consulting firm and not just a hardware vendor,” said Rich Crabtree, Owner of Crabtree Companies. “We plan on using Premier to manage every device that we sell to our clients in order to help them save time and money. This will help us build long-term relationships with our customers.”

In a recent interview, Donny Mihalevich of Standley Systems took the time to answer some questions about how successful the Premier program has been for his company. Visit the link below to watch the video:

For more information about becoming a Premier member, please visit:

About Print Audit®:
Established in 1999 and headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Print Audit is the fastest growing print management company in the world. By providing businesses with innovative and practical print tracking solutions, the company has helped customers recapture over $200 million in printing and photocopying expenses while saving an estimated 190,000 trees a year.

Print Audit is the most comprehensive provider of managed print services (MPS) and print management solutions. The company enables organizations to monitor and control their printing costs via a broad range of capabilities that include secure print release, follow-me printing, rules-based printing, cost recovery, in-depth print assessment and remote meter reading.

Print Audit has offices located in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, South Africa, Australia, Brazil, Canada and the United States. Visit to learn more and find the location nearest you.
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