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haven't been involved in many high end graphics but i've got a deal coming up and their marketing department is using a fiery on a konica color. Others have said that years ago people needed the fiery to make up for lack luster hard drive and processing on the mfp, and now with better equipment specs its no longer a requirement. Opinions on this? There will be some pantone matching in this case but what are the deal breakers that make one say yes this prospect needs a fiery.
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I agree, processing on the machine has advanced to the point that getting a Fiery is not a necessity. You may still encounter times that it is.

If you need Pantone, you must have a Fiery. If you want to expertly adjust colors, you must have a Fiery.

If you want to swap back and forth between "Pleasing Color"(when it doesn't matter what red it is, as long and it looks red) and "Accurate Color" (when it doesn't matter if it looks good to you because it's not their logo's red), you need a Fiery.

If you want to handle advanced graphic qualities (halftone screens, line control, trapping, overprint, etc.) you need Fiery.

Also, if you want ability to do all of these things without having to print the document again (via command workstation), you need a Fiery.

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