Poll on pandemic’s effect on dealers - Published by BTA (Business Technology Association) based on survey of document imaging dealer management in southeastern U.S.
- Asked about difference between past month and previous month of pandemic
o 70% = learned at least one of their customers was going out of business
o 69.23% = added net new business to base
o 62.31% = number of in-person customer meetings for sales reps has increased
o 60% = number of completed service calls was greater
o 45.38% = hired new employee
o 32.31% = click volumes increased within existing MIF
- Asked about meetings and appointments in past month:
o 48.96% = sales reps have less than 5 scheduled appointments/meetings per
o 47.92% = sales reps have 6-10 scheduled appointments/meetings per week
o 3.13% = sales reps have 11 or more scheduled appointments/meetings per week
- What percentage of business revenue and profitability was lost due to pandemic:
o 25.4% of dealers surveyed answered = less than 10%
o 33.33% = 11%-20%
o 23.81% = 21%-30%
o 6.35% = more than 40%
- What percentage of employees are furloughed due to pandemic
o 64.62% of dealers surveyed answered = none
o 18.46% = less and 10%
o 12.31% = 11%-20%
o 1.54% = 21%-30%
o 3.08% = more than 30%