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Originally posted by Old Glory:
I'm not aware of your Gitmo assertion, but if there is nothing wrong with these 80 prisoners, why does nobody want them?

Here's the story about the US wanting to release some prisoners (it was 65 not 80). I don't know why their home countries don't want them, but my comment was about the US wanting to release them. If they are all terrorists, why would the US want to do that?
It is unfathomable to me that we have remained free from terrorist attacks since 9/11. Whatever we are doing is working and I wouldn't want to change a thing.

If you trample on or take away enough freedom from the people you will eventually have peace, you will eventually have an ordered society and you will eventually have no political discourse or challenge to those in power. BTW...I haven't smoked, been drunk or had sex since 911. I hope this this is the reason we haven't been attacked again. I would hate to think my sacrifice is for naught!
Due diligence...of course. But I don't believe in this administration's excesses. The ad hoc suspension of the Constitution, the trampling of civil liberties, the "antipatriotic" labeling of anyone who questions or criticizes the means to the ends, the ending of careers as punishment for not falling in lock-step behind this administration, the parallel government run from the vice-president's office....etc., etc.
If the goal of the terrorists is to bring down our form of government because they hate freedom, maybe they've come closer to winning than we want to admit?
In response to your question, we have of course done what was necessary to protect ourselves. But not EVERY step we've taken was necessary. I am in firm belief that some actions were absolutely right, some were absolutely a mistake, some were opportunistic, some were illegal, some were out of fear, and some were pure ego.
Party means nothing to me, absolutely NOTHING...I do not follow blindly. I do not trust blindly. I wasn't voting for most of those administrations since Lincoln. As a voting member of MY generation I have an obligation to question the decisions of our elected and appointed leaders. Any time my criticism is responded to with anything but respect, I will strongly suspect the motives of that official. That is to say, we can agree to disagree. But I feel it is the height of patriotism to question and to force our officials to maintain the traditional ideals of our country. Not to allow them to take shortcuts through the Constitution. Not to stand for them to tear others down to support themselves.

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