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Our site continues to grow, next month a feature article will be published in ENX magazine. we've come a long long way.

What started as an msn community with 20 or so members from the US, we have now topped the 600 members and we are Global!

All of the costs associated with the site are paid by me. Mike threw in a few dollars a few months ago to help. The cost of running the site is dramatically increasing due to the cost of how much information is available. I consider our site a library and or resource for the industry. You can search on messages that were posted a few years ago and get almost any brochure needed.

I urge you to please support our vendors. As of right now we have three and are hoping to add a few more in the next few weeks.

Our vendors are Graphical Effects (Graham Taylor our devoted WebMaster), he specializes in the creative design of Web Sites. Specifically he has created and maintained this web site, and one for Peters & Walker in Waco, Texas. Graham also has some great idea about using web message boards as an internal communications log. Please when looking for a new host, a new web designer, a creative genius for design. Please click on his link and give him a call.

Another vendor that has been instrumental in our success in Virtual Copier Software (Steve Breault), his paasion for the industry is second to none. He came from the copier industry (Xerox/BOO!), and now owns Virtual Copier Software. If you ever wanted to create a lockout feature he has the software to do it. It is simple to use, sinple to learn and a breeze to support. Click on his link and find out what he can do for your sales. I started with a 30 day trial of his software, I liked it! I have been over quota for the last six months!

Industry Analysts in new to our family, they have many in depth reports thazt you can purchase on-line, so FREE lite reports that we post here. Have you ever really looked at the BERTL reports? I find Inustry Analysts to ne on top of thier game and the best at reporting the correct facts. Clcik on thier link or feel free to ask them a question on thier message board.

When you purchase a report from IA, or get a web site designed by Graham or buy software from Virtual Copier we receive a "spiff" from our vendors. we do not charge for the advertising! When you buy from them, it supports are site.

We hope to have Doculex on board along with a leasing compnay in the next few week, if you know of any companies that would like to join our family please have them get in touch with myself or "Boston Mike"

The Staff @ THe Print 4 Pay
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