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I'll direct this question to Art because I know he's dealt with this problem before, but I would welcome any help or insight from all of you. Here goes:


When you and I met at Ricoh U. last May, you were asking the instructors about a problem one of your clients was having with printing .pdf files at the rated speed of the copier. Did you ever resolve this problem?

I have a client who is trying to print 300-500 page .pdf files and the 1035 I just sold them only prints them at about 6-8 pages per minute. I feel part of the problem is with the time it takes the computer to spool and rip the file (using the RPCS driver, but the PCL is no better). I emulated their problem in my office, and was printing other large .pdf's at 35 ppm so I assumed the problem was with their network or computers, but when I took my laptop to their office and connected it directly to the 1035 with a crossover cable I got the same results they are getting (however, my .pdf's still print at full speed...their files are chugging out at about 6-8 ppm).

Does this sound familiar to anyone, or is this something I am lucky enough to be facing exclusively? All help or insight would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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From: ricohaficio Sent: 1/27/2002 6:28 AM
I had the same problem, but with an AP4500 Printer. Our solution was to max the ram memory and also on turn off collation on the first printer driver screen. We also ran a crossover cable to eliminate the network. End result max the ram memory and turn off the collate feature.

Hope this helps, let me know how you made out.
From: Lee Sent: 2/23/2002 8:20 PM
Just a note on PDf printing here. If using Acrobat Reader 5.0, be sure to update your print drivers. Reader 5.0 handles printing a little differently. When you select print with the old drivers, it looks almost like the computer locks up. It takes about 20 minutes for the rest of the print dialog to come up. If you then remove 5.0 and go back down to 4.0, you still have the same problem. Installing the latest drivers downloaded from the website fixes the problem.


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