Do any reps voluntarily give back salaries when they sell little or nothing one or two months out of the year?
Yoda you bring up a good point here, after being with the same dealership for 13 years much of my time is spent with helping customers with questions, emails, and onsite follow ups for product questions, advanced training, billing questions, lease billing questions, moves, and many more.
So, I don't agree that if I had a bad month I would volunteer to give back part of my meager salary.
New reps on the other hand have all the time in the world to prospect and traditionaly I would say that 1 in 5 hang in there for more than one year and 1-10 make it past three years, that what I've seen at my place.
Instead of padded rates, why not just mark the systems up higher to the salesperson, at least in this case the dealership would gain additional margins with purchases also.