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New Firmware Cards

Flash memory cards have been used on our products for service activities in the field. However, some products require several flash memory cards to update all types of firmware. To save time and servicing costs for firmware and data uploading and downloading, newer products will start using SD cards as the new memory media.

Introduction of the SD Cards
The B070/B071 was the first product released that uses an SD card instead of an IC card (ROM DIMM). Most future products will use new SD Firmware cards. Each product will describe whether or not the SD card is used.

The following service benefits can be expected with the SD card:
SD cards maximize service efficiency, minimize service time, minimize service costs, and minimize data back up since they have enough memory to store all types of firmware and/or data.
Unlike flash memory cards, the swap box and/or PC application software tools are not required. With a generic SD card reader, firmware can be easily stored, copied, or deleted using Windows Explorer.

There is no training course planned for the SD card itself. This new service tool will be introduced during the product-training course.

Note: It is not necessary to use an SD card with new products and new SDG applications. You can eliminate the need for type A, B, or C cards by loading SDK applications through the MFP Web Image Monitor page.

Java VM (SDK-J) Cards
Once an SD (or IC) card service tool above has been used to update a machine with various firmwares from Japan, the machine is ready to run a Java VM card (SDK-J card). This card is a product that can be purchased through sales. The Java VM card installs the Java platform, allowing applications to then be installed/enabled on the machine
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