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How does everyone deal with this issue? If a customers IT person changes something, or messes something up and needs your assistance to put things back to normal.. Do you charge them, if so what do you charge? Example.. Have a customer that is changing some software on their network, and is probably going to require my help to get things straightened up after the changes. What would you do?
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i agree, if the customer makes changes that require you to go out and reconfigure or re-install then they should expect to be charged for the service. We offer blocks of time at reduced rates if a customer needs it, but when it comes to single calls to reset, then we bill by the hour plus the trip charge.
We have started to charge a monthly fee where the customer can pay for our "extra" IT/SE services or they can buy blocks of time.

At the end of a deal, when we are signing paperwork, we inform the customer that we will install everything (including softwares) at no charge, but that we suggest they purchase a monthly contract in case something happens months or years down the line. This is in addition to our normal maintenance contract, which we make sure the customer knows is for the hardware only.

Everybody has been very receptive so far and we have been able to bring in some extra revenue for service for services we have already been providing. We don't even talk about this service until the end of a deal - kind of like when you buy something from Sears and they drop the extended warranty on you... If anybody would like any details please let me know.
We charge $75/hour for network or software related work including installation. The exception is at installation the first hour is free.
We have had no complaints so far, and prior to this policy, I had to spend Hours on installation. When you consider that an MFP installation can include the machine, Scan router, Lan Fax, Printing, Scan to Email.
I explain to the customer that I can do the whole install @ 75.00/hour or if they have either their IT person or computer literate employee there, I can get all the basics done and their person on track in an hour. And as much phone work as needed for free.
Their choice.
Too many times, I stood waiting for "them" to give me access to their network. Or wanting me to install sw on 25-30 workstations, putting up with employees who are too busy to let me set their ws up.
Once on a 7502 install, I asked for a workstation on which to install Scan Router. A request that I had made over the phone before I got there. First they gave me a comp with a non working CD, then a comp with no nic installed, each time she pointed to a machine and walked off. No respect, ya know?
Or noone knows the admin password.
Our new policy has made a difference. And I think the 75 bucks is fair. Our regular service is 110.00.
Now if they arent ready, they will ask me to come back when they are ready.
I mean I love to play with computers but I am cheap not free. "All I ask is a little R-E-S-P-E-C T"
I was just reading the thread in "Announcments" about the roll out of XP SP2. I hadnt considered the security changes that would affect our current installations.
All of the mavens are recommending a gradual upgrade to SP2, and I am sure that if the customer has an IT staff, they will be able to handle it.
But when the rest call in with a problem, my first question will be, "have you just upgraded your XP installation with SP2?"
Do you want it fixed or do you want me to come out @ $75.00/Hr.
The last port problem I solved was with the shore patrol in San Diego.

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