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By Karla Paris

Content Management

Examining the key trends and challenges that surround document management are at the solution’s core.

A new survey delves into the minds of IT Executives in search of answers to the eternal question - how do I manage my documents?

Docurated’s State of Document Management Report was created to find answers to that question, and following is a sampling of what the survey revealed:

  • The biggest challenges cited by IT Leaders are the inability to find content and poor mobility.
  • Despite the hype around Cloud, 77 percent of respondents still use file servers as their primary storehouse.
  • Document management is a key irritation point and priority; nearly two thirds of IT Executives are investing in Document Management initiatives.
  • 68 percent of organizations have 5 or more storage archives.
  • Cloud Storage is being utilized but more than 79 percent of documents are still stored on-premises.
  • Companies are increasing the number of silos they manage, instead of consolidating the number of storage archives.  read more here

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