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Hey Gang,

Trying to better understand how Muratec's dealer program works.

Can anyone provide any insights into the following:

- Cash With Order Discount - What discount does Muratec provide dealers who pay up-front for their MFPs (e.g. 2%)

- Reseller Level - Are there different reseller levels for Muratec dealers (e.g. Gold, Platinum, etc), what are the revenue/unit requirements for these levels, and what are the benefits of these levels?

- Up-Front Discount Structure - Does Muratec offer up-front credits or rebates with they order of MFPs, kind of like Canon Cash or Ricoh Flex?

- Back-End Rebate and Credit Structure - Does Muratec offer back-end credits or rebates through achieving quotas or growth goals?

- Additional Incentives - Are there any additional rebates/credits/promotions that Muratec provides its dealers?

Thanks for any info you can provide.

- Jake


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