Polek and Polek has been helping office equipment dealers keep their MPS accounts profitable using our high quality HP cartridges for many years. We also carry Lexmark, Dell, and many other brands for the MFP’S you will come across in the field.
We get asked many questions about MPS and we hope to answer some of them here.
What is everyone else doing? – What is the minimum amount of printers should I get under a MPS contract? Are people making money at this? -
What do I charge for this? - How do I get started?
There are some easy ways to get started that don’t require buying $100,000 software packages and hiring teams of consultants to get the program on the road. For many dealers, that route is just not realistic. Answer the questions below and decide if you can get started.
1. Do you speak to your customers about their printers and how they are managed now? Can you?
2. Have you looked at or documented your copier customer’s total printing landscape?
3. Do you offer Printer/MFP cartridges to your customers now?
We are shocked at how often we hear “no” to the questions above. There is a real hesitation to get involved in something dealers do every day. How different is it from a CPC contract? How different is it from servicing a copier?
When dealers do have some activity in this area we get responses like:
“We have a proposal out” “We are working on a couple of accounts” “We tried but nothing came of it”
Without complicating things, you can get into the printer service business by selling toner cartridges to your current base. Many dealers, who were hesitant, started speaking to their customers only to find that they were happy to give the business to the people servicing their copier. You definitely provide more value than a catalog or a website. You are in their office taking care of their office equipment already!
Here are some common questions we get asked about MPS.
How many machines should I have in an account? Industry experts have stated that you should not be work-ing in any account with less than 10 machines on an MPS contract. You can still sell cartridges and provide break/fix service on the smaller accounts. Eventually they may become candidates for an MPS contract or a copier upgrade.
What kind of copy volume should I be looking for? The recommendations are for 3,000 prints per device per month.
What should be my overall copy volume for my program? A goal to go after, once you get started, is to get 3,000,000 prints under contract. This may take a year or two.
How the math works…
If you could get 75 of your current customers, onto an MPS program with 10 printers each making 1500 prints per month at .0125 per print, you get $14,062.50 per month. Annually it comes to $168,750.
If you have 375 accounts with 10 printers in each account doing 1500 prints per month, you get 5,625,000 x .0125 = $70,312.50/mo. Annually it comes to $847,750.
Does this look like a program you can get started on today? Is it worth it to you? If you don’t do it, your com-petition will. That will jeopardize your copier business. Jump in with both feet and start making more money and help your customer save money and time today!
Please call us with any questions you may have.
Good luck!