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In this rural territory, I sometimes go long periods of time between Production Unit opportunities and, consequently, I lose important details characteristic to these models.

My question is this...I have an MP 9000 configured with the SR5000 Finisher and the BK5000 Saddle Stitch. To replace this with the Pro 907EX, I will be going with the SR5020 Booklet Finisher? In other words. what used to require both the SR5000 and the BK5000 now only requires the SR5020? Thank you in advance for your help.

"You can get anything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want."  Zig Ziglar

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(1) Mainframes require purchase of SR5000, SR5020, or SK5010

I'm pretty sure you are correct, the new SR5020 has an MSRP of 11,800. I can also remember in the past the the SR5000 was needed in order to connect the BK5000 because I got burned on this when I did not read the release notes.

There are no release notes next to the SR5020, so I would have to assume that all you need is the SR5020.
I'm now out of the biz, retired, but the Sales Information Guides available on-line have a matrix in the back that shows compatibility of accessories. Also that are detailed specs on each accessory) so that you can make sure the customers needs can be met with your offering. As I recall there are significant limitations with the various booklet makers. Also remember that booklet makers fold 11x17 (12x18's) and there are click charges to consider. Also the cover inserter can be utilized to insert add'l 11x17's (12x18's) allowing end-users to add color even inside a document. Study up well on these devices and their flexibilities. Good Selling.

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