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More and more business users perceive their mobile devices over laptops/ desktop computers as their primary computing device.

Many of these mobile devices tend to automatically update to the latest versions.  Users pay little thought to the consequences of these latest updates and do not realize that it can take more than a few months for manufacturers to react to the latest versions.  Users have the unrealistic expectation that 3rd party copier manufacturers are somehow in sync with the latest app releases.

Manufacturers put much effort in trying to keep up to-date with desktop/ laptop Windows 10 and iOS 10.15 Catalina operating systems but not so much in mobile apps.

I have a real estate company with two offices and 12 sales agents who work exclusively off their mobile devices.  The free Toshiba mobile app called eBridge Print & Capture supports Dept Codes and works perfectly with the latest version of Android 9.0 .  The user pre-populates their Dept Code in their cell phone app and everything prints quickly and prints are recorded properly.

Unfortunately, with the latest iOS mobile operating system known as 13.0,  Dept Codes go to the Invalid Queue meaning that the copier did not get all of the information that it requires.  Users have to go and touch their job on the copiers LCD panel, re-enter their Dept Codes. The job will then print and be recorded by the Dept Code counters.

The Decision Maker finds this extra step  unacceptable. I am trying to sell 2x 30 cpm colour copiers.

What is your experience with your preferred copier vendor with mobile apps and Dept Codes specifically with iOS?



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With Ricoh, do Authentication codes track counter usage?

Is the mobile copier app free?

I have a current Sharp customer that I am trying to flip who expects his employees to 100%  print from their mobile devices.  No desks in the office for them to work from. The DM needs to track their usage and invoice them back for their prints made.

This type of install is new for me as well.

Last edited by SalesServiceGuy

Codes do two functions...1.) grant access or 2.) grant access and track. You keep saying "track dept codes" which to me means you want to know how many prints are being done by each dept.

I may not be looking at this right but it seems to me that any tracking done by a phone installed app can only track prints made by that phone and the data is only accessible by the owner of that phone. In order to collect the data from 5 phones, you would have to querry the 5 users.

It only makes sense to me to have the access code in the app only grant access to the MFP. The MFP then actually trackes the number of prints done by each code.

The Smart Device Connector app for iOS and Android (both free) will support both User Codes for printing, and Authentication (User Name and Password) so the person printing and scanning will be allowed to do so.  See instructions and videos here: 

The MFP being printed to records the User Code activity and can be exported as a CSV file.  The list includes the user name and the total activity of that account.  If the customer wants monthly billing, they would have to remember to export the list and reset the counters each month. 

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