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SUNNYVALE, Calif., Jan. 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ Having a giant pile of documents without a way to organize them can lead to missed deadlines and wasted time and may negatively affect privacy.


Simply tagging documents lets you automate your sorting of documents so that you will always have the documents you need just a finger tap away. Organizations have been looking for this kind of a solution, and now Collavate T is here with an easy to use Tags Feature, the perfect solution!


Collavate T is a Gmail based document collaboration, workflow and management solution. Collavate T recently released a new 'Tags' feature for Google Docs. By adding tags to selected documents and files, users can not only easily list and search through the documents in Collavate T, but also in their Google Drive.


Although the search feature is very powerful with hundreds of different documents, it's not easy to remember keywords that are written in a document. However, if users utilize Tags in Collavate T, it's just a click.


For example, if a user were to use Google Docs to manage all documents that are created during a project, he/she could add two tags; one being the Project Stage (e.g. Planning, In-progress, Processed) and another being the Subject Matter (e.g. HR, Finance).


Here are some further use cases:

  • A high school needs to sort their students' documents. Using Collavate T tags, they can pinpoint the files in Google Drive by those parameters to list just the documents that she wants to see instead of going through many folders and clicking and dragging.
  • When a service company hires a new employee, the HR manager adds HR tags on applicants' documents. Such HR tags may include "Recruiting", "Candidate", and "Hired". The resumes of the candidates can be tagged to indicate the stage in the recruiting process that they reached. The "Recruiting" tag would be applied to all candidates, and those candidates that make it to the next level would receive "Candidate" tags, and the final candidates would receive the "Hired" tag.

Collavate T is open to all Google Apps and personal Gmail users for free. Users can visit the Collavate T website at www.collavate.comand try out Tag functions free.

Amanda Kim
Collavate Inc.
(408) 429-5543

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