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Make a Call They Can't Refuse
By Jeffrey Gitomer

What is yours sales percentage?

Whatever the number, you can raise it. Just change the kind of calls you make.

What types of calls are available to you? Here they are in worst-to-best order with the hard work needed to get better. Note well: success is not a matter of fancy closing techniques.

The lowest percentage is the cold call. Voice mail and security have pretty well killed the cold call. Successful and public speaking at civic groups; they work better.

A more promising option than cold calling is the appointed sales call. This is O.K. if you are fortunate enough to have made an appointment someplace, but it's still a low-percentage move unless you know what the customer wants.

Hard work needed: be smart by calling at the right time and doing pre call research.

Next come responses from ads or direct mail, which represent leads from the mildly curious. This group can be very frustrating because many people call merely to price something. Others fill out cards hoping to get something for free. Hard work needed: develop great telephone skills to get an appointment.

An appointed sales call from a networking event or trade show works better. Networking is a great way to establish your reputation. Since networking involves contact, your chances are better than dealing with someone whom you've never met. You may make only a fair amount of sales this way, but you will expand your contacts and build your image. Networking is the foundation for success.

Hard work needed: a networking plan and a 30-second personal commercial to break the ice. Invest the time. It will pay off.

A still-better prospect is a referral from another customer. If you ask for a referral and don't get one, it means the customer doesn't trust you enough to subject a friend to your spiel. Hard work needed: earn enough trust to deserve referrals.

An unsolicited referral is even better. Someone gives you a referral because you earned it. Hard work needed: consistent and memorable service.

The second-highest percentage call is one that a prospect initiates. This only happens if a prospect needs help and thinks you are the answer.

Hard work needed: develop a community presence through speeches at civic groups networking and your weekly e-zine. Position yourself so you don't have to compete.

The highest-percentage call is a sale to, or reorder from, a present customer. Such customers know you, like you, trust you and have confidence you'll deliver. Hard work needed: give great service between sales. Offer great value. Develop the relationship. Build trust through performance. Help customers build their business.

These are the call types and the secrets to making each category successful. Once you do the hard work, each type of sale is easier, especially in the high-percentage categories. And here's the good news-most other salespeople won't do the hard work it takes to make selling easy.
Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of "The Sales Bible," and "Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless." He can be reached at 704-333-1112; or via e-mail at salesman@gitomercom.
© BUSINESS NEWS February 4, 2002
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