Low-Cost Manager Integrates With XML Editors
How do you make a sophisticated, component-based content management system easier to use? Vasont Systems (www.vasont.com) has done it by integrating its Vasont SG system with popular XML authoring tools including Adobe FrameMaker.
Aimed at small technical publishing groups with up to five participants, Vasont SG is a lower-cost version of the company's eponymous product designed for efficient creation, management and reuse of technical documentation, product and user manuals and reference documents delivered in print, online or on CDs and DVDs. The company's new Vasont Universal Integrator exposes management system functionality from the toolbar menu of leading XML editors including FrameMaker, XMetal, XML Spy and Epic Editor. The integration lets authors and editors work without toggling between applications to check out, edit, approve and check in content. Vasont SG tracks changes and applies them wherever content is reused.
Vasont SG starts at about $30,000 and the Universal Integrator is a $5,000 add-on module.
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