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Lexmark CISO Bryan Willett Champions Secure-by-Design, Aligning with New CISA Guidelines

  • reported on
  • Bryan Willett, emphasizes the importance of cybersecurity in the manufacturing sector
  • Lexmark's proactive approach to secure-by-design principles
  • Integration of secure-by-design methodologies into Lexmark's product development proces
  • strategy including rigorous testing, continuous monitoring of supplier security practices, and swift deployment of updates
  • Recognition from  IDC, Quocirca, and Bitsight for Lexmark's leadership in product security
  • Impact of secure-by-design on hardware manufacturing sector
  • Challenges and opportunities in implementing secure-by-design principles
  • security-first culture throughout the organization and its network of suppliers and partners
  • Synergistic view between Lexmark and CISA on cybersecurity
  • Practical perspective on applying CISA's secure-by-design guidance
  • Alignment between Lexmark's security philosophy and CISA's objectives
  • Importance of industry-wide collaboration in cybersecurity

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