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Is it me or is everyone running in the same situation. Laterly it seems every time a customer is ready to sign a lease they stop and say. My attorney has to look it over. Than the lease comes back with all kinds of cross-outs. Than I have to send it to the leasing company and there lawyers have to look it over. Than they will say no to half of the cross-outs. Than you go back and forth couple of more times before everything is OK.

Is this happening to you out there?
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Press Release

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department issued a statement today saying Vice President Cheney broke no law by shooting a lawyer instead of a quail over the weekend.

A TPWD spokesman noted that, in Texas, lawyers are not considered game creatures, and are thus not subject to seasonal limitations or bag limits. It was further noted that lawyer hunting was encouraged as the state is overrun with the pesky creatures.

A local food critic said that, contrary to rumor, lawyers do not taste like chicken
My advice to anyone running into this problem is to contact your lease vendor(s) and find out what language they DO NOT object to removing from their lease. Most companies will allow removal of certain items. On the other hand, there are other items THAT WILL NEVER BE REMOVED from the lease - ie. the Warranty - Merchantability paragraph. Without that one, you may as well get your customer to sign a few sheets of toilet paper!
Communication between your company and your lease vendor is KEY - get them involved. They want the business as badly as you do.

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