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Canon Announces New A2-compatible imageRUNNER Digital Multifunction Office
Systems (Japan)
Tokyo, Japan, Feb. 26, 2003 - (JCN Newswire) -

Canon today announced in Japan the introduction of two new digital
multifunction office systems that are compatible with large-format media:
the Canon imageRUNNER s iR700W, capable of producing A2 documents; and the
high-end iR750W, featuring automatic duplexing.

The iR700W and iR750W realize the highest resolution and fastest output
speed in their class*1, producing 600 dot-per-inch copies with 256-step
gradation at 40 pages-per-minute (ppm) for A4-size documents, and 14 ppm
for A2-size documents, enabling the output of precision diagrams and
supporting large-volume copying jobs. When outfitted with an optional Copy
Tray, the duo achieves A4 first-copy speeds of less than 6.0 and 6.5
seconds, respectively, facilitating efficient office procedures.

While permitting users to produce full-size copies from A2 originals, the
new Canon systems realize a space-saving design with a body width of just
780mm, made possible through the utilization of an Inner Tray Delivery
system. The units also incorporate a large touch-sensitive LCD panel with a
user-friendly interface.

Canon's iR700W and iR750W make possible A2-format network printing and
scanning when equipped with the optional Print/Scan Server KIPCON733C-V2,
scheduled for release in May. Printer features*2 include Windows and
ADI/HDI drivers, which enable users to utilize the systems' exceeding
imaging and output performance for printing and plotting in AutoCAD as well
as printing business documents.

The network scanner function offers multiple communication-protocol
compatibility for universal data transmission, allowing users to scan and
distribute A2 plans and technical drawings in a variety of ways, including
by e-mail as an attachment, or by saving directly to networked PCs. Also,
when using imageWARE Document Manager 2002 software (sold separately), the
systems enable the scanning, indexing and storing of paper-based documents
for later retrieval while also providing the ability to integrate
electronically created documents in one database, facilitating effective
centralized management of information and reduced paper-document


The iR700W and iR750W are equipped with a large-capacity 32MB memory
capable of storing approximately 290 pages of A4 documents. The feature
permits users to create multiple copies from originals with just one scan,
reducing wear and tear on the original while also promoting more efficient
copying procedures. Additionally, the models include a range of convenient
functions for improved productivity, including one which automatically
determines the appropriate paper size and image orientation; Electronic
Sort/Group, which sorts multi-page documents; and Reduction Layout, which
enables users to manipulate the size and number of images that appear

on each copied page.

In consideration of the environment, the units incorporate a variety of
energy-saving modes, and also satisfy the stringent criteria of the
International Energy Star program and Japan's Green Procurement Law. The
Canon imageRUNNER s iR700W and iR750W will be available in Japan from mid
March priced at 1.68 million yen and 1.78 million yen, respectively. Canon
has set initial combined production at 500 units per month.

*1 Among A2 systems as of February 21, 2003

*2 Network printing can also be realized through the optional Print Server
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These are the sizes from the attachment:

Many of the following paper sizes have been adopted by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Additionally, various national standards bodies recognize some of the paper sizes which the ISO omits.
The following numbers are rounded to four significant figures. Greater precision is of little use because practically all papers are made from cellulose, and consequently expand as they absorb moisture from the air, and contract as they release moisture. The most common rounding practice is to discard any fraction of a millimeter. For instance, 840.9 mm becomes 840 mm and 324.2 mm becomes 324 mm.

One inch equals 25.4 millimeters.

Designation Dimensions in Millimeters Dimensions in Inches
16B0 5657. x 4000. 222.7 x 157.5
16C0 5187. x 3668. 204.2 x 144.4
16A0 4757. x 3364. 187.3 x 132.4
16D0 4362. x 3084. 171.7 x 121.4
8B0 4000. x 2828. 157.5 x 111.4
8C0 3668. x 2594. 144.4 x 102.1
8A0 3364. x 2378. 132.4 x 93.64
8D0 3084. x 2181. 121.4 x 85.87
4B0 2828. x 2000. 111.4 x 78.74
4C0 2594. x 1834. 102.1 x 72.21
4A0 2378. x 1682. 93.64 x 66.21
4D0 2181. x 1542. 85.87 x 60.72
2B0 2000. x 1414. 78.74 x 55.68
2C0 1834. x 1297. 72.21 x 51.06
2A0 1682. x 1189. 66.21 x 46.82
2D0 1542. x 1091. 60.72 x 42.93
B0 1414. x 1000. 55.68 x 39.37
C0 1297. x 917.0 51.06 x 36.10
A0 1189. x 840.9 46.82 x 33.11
D0 1091. x 771.1 42.93 x 30.36
B1 1000. x 707.1 39.37 x 27.84
C1 917.0 x 648.4 36.10 x 25.53
A1 840.9 x 594.6 33.11 x 23.41
D1 771.1 x 545.3 30.36 x 21.47
B2 707.1 x 500.0 27.84 x 19.69
C2 648.4 x 458.5 25.53 x 18.05
A2 594.6 x 420.4 23.41 x 16.55
D2 545.3 x 385.6 21.47 x 15.18
B3 500.0 x 353.6 19.69 x 13.92
C3 458.5 x 324.2 18.05 x 12.76
A3 420.4 x 297.3 16.55 x 11.70
D3 385.6 x 272.6 15.18 x 10.73
B4 353.6 x 250.0 13.92 x 9.843
C4 324.2 x 229.3 12.76 x 9.026
A4 297.3 x 210.2 11.70 x 8.277
D4 272.6 x 192.8 10.73 x 7.590
B5 250.0 x 176.8 9.843 x 6.960
C5 229.3 x 162.1 9.026 x 6.382
A5 210.2 x 148.7 8.277 x 5.852
D5 192.8 x 136.3 7.590 x 5.367
B6 176.8 x 125.0 6.960 x 4.921
C6 162.1 x 114.6 6.382 x 4.513
A6 148.7 x 105.1 5.852 x 4.138
D6 136.3 x 96.39 5.367 x 3.795
B7 125.0 x 88.39 4.921 x 3.480
C7 114.6 x 81.05 4.513 x 3.191
A7 105.1 x 74.33 4.138 x 2.926
D7 96.39 x 68.16 3.795 x 2.683
B8 88.39 x 62.50 3.480 x 2.461
C8 81.05 x 57.31 3.191 x 2.256
A8 74.33 x 52.56 2.926 x 2.069
D8 68.16 x 48.19 2.683 x 1.897
B9 62.50 x 44.19 2.461 x 1.740
C9 57.31 x 40.53 2.256 x 1.596
A9 52.56 x 37.16 2.069 x 1.463
D9 48.19 x 34.08 1.897 x 1.342
B10 44.19 x 31.25 1.740 x 1.230
C10 40.53 x 28.66 1.596 x 1.128
A10 37.16 x 26.28 1.463 x 1.035
D10 34.08 x 24.10 1.342 x .9487
B11 31.25 x 22.10 1.230 x .8700
C11 28.66 x 20.26 1.128 x .7978
A11 26.28 x 18.58 1.035 x .7315
D11 24.10 x 17.04 .9487 x .6708
B12 22.10 x 15.62 .8700 x .6152
C12 20.26 x 14.33 .7978 x .5641
A12 18.58 x 13.14 .7315 x .5173
D12 17.04 x 12.05 .6708 x .4744

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